structural, civil & infrastructure design engineers



Aspect recognise that sustainable construction is an inherently complex subject with a large range of variables, which sometimes cloud the more important decisions made in construction.

The government is asking for ‘good management’ of sustainability issues in the construction industry and therefore, interaction between the Structural Engineering body and construction companies is essential for future advancement.

Other factors that are influencing sustainable construction, which fall outside of the ‘structural’ remit are;-

  • Energy and water – water quality/supply, storm water management
  • Waste and recycling – waste management
  • Land use - flora and fauna, biodiversity
  • Social – low impact living initiatives, urban design
  • Emissions – ozone depletion, greenhouse gases, acid gases.

Aspect Consulting Engineers Ltd are promoting environmental sustainability through design and understand that there is a requirement in the Structural Engineering sector for integration of design quality with sustainability. We consider that initiatives set up by the government ask us, as designers, to design structures for longevity, flexibility and adaptability with an understanding of the possible effects of climate change.

Sustainability in construction is a major factor in the future of our industry and as such, we will practice and promote our design philosophy to meet its requirements for the good of the environment.

Main considerations relating to structures are as follows;-

Materials in construction

The physical performance of materials more than perhaps any other single factor dictates whether, over a period of time, a building structure becomes an asset or a liability in both environmental and economic terms.

In fact materials are critical to determining the environmental sustainability and health impacts of construction. The creation of the build environment is closely correlated with many of our largest environmental and correlated social impacts. Materials with high re-cycled content, selecting reclaimed materials and selecting environmentally preferable materials in accordance with the good practice guidance are all contributory factors to sustainable construction. 

BREEAM is for assessing and improving the environmental performance of office, retail, school and industrial buildings and is a well practiced document with public and private sector developments.

Carbon emissions

The construction and servicing of buildings is responsible for about 50 % of the UK’S carbon emissions. Improving the energy efficiency of new and existing stock involves the production of energy efficient designs.

These essentially reduce in the specification of steel and other materials whose processes are a main contributor towards CO 2 emission in construction. Environmentally sustainable material such as timber or glulam or other recycled structural components being developed and manufactured because of sustainability are preferred. 

Existing buildings - re-use versus demolition           
Demolition operations account for more water and land pollution incidents than any other industry.

Our aim at Aspect is to promote the re-use of existing buildings and contribute to the specification and design of sustainable elements to improve the longevity of the structure for the future well being and the good of our community.

High quality design ensures usable, durable and adaptable places and is a key element in achieving sustainable development’